New Beginnings!
Graduating Seniors , Pregnant Moms, and Birthday Babies!!
This is an EXCITING time!
All across the nation seniors are graduating and heading off to new adventures. ( My own twin daughters graduated from 6th grade, reminding me how fast time flies and to make the most of our time together.)
Families are growing, expecting new arrivals!
And babies are having birthdays. The process of life. It keeps ticking and moving ahead with or without us!
I want to wish all of the seniors a big CONGRATULATIONS!
Baby Grace.
Precious jewel, you glow, you shine, reflecting all the good things in the world. ~ Maya Angelou
This is baby Grace. I was so excited to see her. I took pictures of her when she was still in her mommy’s tummy. She just turned 1!! She melts your heart with her eyes and adorable gummy smile. How exciting Andrea and Kevin! Happy Birthday angel baby xoxoxox
Beautiful Seniors!
Do not travel the road most often followed, but make your own path for others to follow…
Taylor Saunders
Keenan Carver
Follow your dreams!! xoxo j.j.
New Life.
Julie and Steve
A new baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope , a dream of possibilities. ~ Eda Leshan
Congratulations Julie and Steve!! Can’t wait to meet the new arrival!
Warmest wishes to all!
Stay Tuned!
Hollywood Glam Shoots start up in August!!
Hello Gorgeous!!!